Admissions Procedure

  1. The completed application.
  2. Compose a profile of your professional and academic background.
  3. An application fee of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) in U.S. funds is required which is non-refundable.
  4. All questions or requests for additional information should be directed to our admissions office at 1(888) 989-GRAD (4723), Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm EST.
  5. After a review of your portfolio, the Dean of your potential programme will contact you, concerning your acceptance and your individualized plan of study.
  6. Please send in the following :
    a. Your completed application should be sent to the address below and also emailed to or faxed to (1-844)373-5816,
    b. The profile of your professional and academic background,
    c. Unofficial transcripts and/or CEU certificates may be electronically included with your application for admission for evaluation to,
    d. Official transcripts must be sent by your graduate institutions for verification to the below address in Dominica,
    e.  Your application fee of $250 may be paid online at

Additionally, please mail all transcripts and documents to:

International University for Graduate Studies
Attn: Office of the Registrar
Corner of Rodney & Sandwich Street
Portsmouth, Commonwealth of Dominica
West Indies


Download the Application:   IUGS APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION